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I’ve written before about the green green grass of home, and I’m here to tell you that I’m sucked in by it once again.  Except this time it is further embellished by the now-changing colours of autumn.  Oh My Dog!  I’d forgotten how glorious it is. I don’t recall being aware of the trees so much before–at least not in my youth.

It is my humble opinion that Kansas City has the highest ratio of trees : people, or of trees per square mile, than any other city on the planet.  Seriously.  Google will help us out here only so far.  Sheffield, UK, claims to have the highest tree : people ratio in Europe, but even it falls well short of the 61 trees per person on the planet ratio that is the estimated rate worldwide.  Well, I don’t know exactly how many trees there are in KC, (do you?) but I’m pretty sure it’s better than Sheffield.  So, unless you can find evidence to the contrary, folks, I’m stickin’ with my statement!

I’m not talkin about little saplings that have been planted in the last few years; I’m talkin’ big old trees you can stand under.  In fact, drive under.  Nearly every neighbourhood I’ve been through, or driven past, (remember my penchant for getting lost–I’ve seen a lot of neighbourhoods!) is made up of tree-covered street after tree-covered street.  Wonderful old homes–big or small–shaded by beautiful old trees. Gorgeous.  Here the trees aren’t mostly confined to parklands.  I haven’t picked the biggest, the grandest, or even the best streets to photograph.  These are just some ordinary shots taken while driving around.  (Mostly where it’s easy to stop!)

Autumn Is Just Getting Underway

Typical Street

Fall has barely started and it's gorgeous already...

Trees, of course, mean squirrels.  At least in this part of the world.  I know some of you consider them a nuisance–like the brush tail possums in Australia–but I’ve always been fond of squirrels.  And possums, for that matter.  I reckon squirrels are pretty clever (except when they’re in the middle of the road and can’t work out which way to run), as anyone who has tried to keep them out of a bird feeder will attest.  Have a look at this if you don’t agree…  even if you do.  It’s very funny.  It seems the British love to devise elaborate Rube Goldburg-type obstacle courses for squirrels.  Check this out, too.

It isn’t just the trees, though. The architecture is stunning.  Of course, it could be that I’m a bit jaded by too many years in Australia, where the architecture is abysmal, but I don’t think so.  It may not be Chicago, but golly, the buildings here are wonderful.  Even the new stuff.  Australian cities have some lovely old buildings, but the newer stuff stinks.  There.  I’ve said it.  Of course there is the odd exception, but that just isn’t good enough.  However I’m here not to bag Australia, but to praise Kansas City.  My Home Town.         MM